Is vitiligo hereditary

Introduction to vitiligo - 7 things you must know!

Known worldwide, vitiligo is a rare skin condition that has existed since time immemorial. The Hindu Vedic texts refer to it as shwitra. Rare it may be, it has always been a problem worth the attention due to the effect it has on the minds of those who suffer from it.

Fair, dark, wheatish, so many colors in skin. This however is not the case for those with vitiligo. Luckily, the modern world is a better place for those who worry about what makes their skin different from the others.

What you have is not your flaw, it is your uniqueness. And that my friend, is the real beauty.r.

All you need is a trusted doctor. And if you worry about how to find one, trust us, all that worry is in vain. The modern world has provided for the perfect collaboration between medicine and technology.

Come, let’s dig a little deeper!

A basic introduction to vitiligo

The first question that strikes our mind is what is this that we suffer from.  Well, trust us with this. The concept is very easy to understand.

Vitiligo is a skin abnormality wherein the skin undergoes discoloration in the form of patches. It can affect any part of the body, including hair and inside of your mouth. Yes! It is very versatile! The most commonly affected parts, however, are hands, neck, face and feet.

We bet you’re thinking about it’s cause now! That is just as simple to understand.

We know our skin has color. This color is the result of a hormone known as melanin. Melanin is produced by cells called melanocytes in the body. When the immune system of the body destroys these cells, it leads to a deficiency of melanin. Thus, the skin develops discolored patches.

Now, one may wonder what causes the destruction of cells? Is vitiligo hereditary?  Is it really a genetic disorder? Or is it just a reaction to some environmental agent? Well, the strangest thing about vitiligo is that the answer to these questions is not always certain.

Thus, understanding vitiligo, moreover, its type can be a little tricky. Therefore, figuring out the best treatment for it can be an equal mess. This leads us to finding a doctor who can help you figure that out for yourself!

In simple words – Medical advice is a must!

Still worried about finding an expert? Let us make it simpler for you! The best treatment now comes to your home with none other than Vedas Cure.

Before we guide you through that, here are 7 must-to-know facts about vitiligo!

It helps a lot to be aware of your condition. Believe it or not, it makes it a lot easier to be dealt with! When you’re new to it, tons of questions bother you. Is it serious? Am I ever gonna recover from it? Is vitiligo curable? What is the best treatment? And whatnot!

These facts may answer a few of your questions:

  1. Vitiligo may or may not be a genetic disorder. People with no family history of vitiligo may also be affected by it.
  2. Is vitiligo contagious? No! It is neither fatal nor contagious.
  3. Vitiligo may happen to people of all age groups, of all skin types, and castes.
  4. The types and spread of patches differ from person to person.
  5. Vitiligo does not have an exact cure. The treatment may sometimes remove the patches while in other cases, can only avoid the spread.
  6. Vitiligo treatment can begin at home. Self-care is the first step toward treating vitiligo. Wearing sunblock before leaving home is one of them!
  7. Vitiligo can be treated with the simplest of ingredients as suggested by Ayurveda.

How can it be treated?

As mentioned before  – There is no perfect cure for vitiligo of any kind!

However, with modern advancements, the number of treatments has increased. Topical creams, UV light therapy, skin transplant, laser therapy, oral medications, steroids, and whatnot, all of these can help you in dealing with your skin.

It’s a fact that vitiligo needs to be treated with extreme delicacy.

Yes, we are pointing out your concern about the side effects these treatments may have. What is dealt with is your body after all.

This is where we give away our advice for the day  – The best options for treating vitiligo come in the most natural way with ayurvedic treatment.

In conclusion

The significance of ayurvedic treatment above everything else cannot be more obvious. Centuries stand witness to the effectiveness and efficiency of traditional medicines. And let’s face it, what can be better than nature’s cure available at such a reasonable price.

Trust us when we say, at Vedas Cure, we know how to guide you on your journey to better skin. Our team of experts assure the best treatment for your vitiligo using the perfect blend between science and Ayurveda. Vedas cure vitiligo treatment begins at home with the simplest ingredients like Turmeric and honey. Exactly! That’s how easy it is!

Follow a few steps, have a little patience, be a little obedient, and a lot of trusts – that’s all we ask for! Combined efforts never go in vain.

All we can say – It’s your time to choose the best!



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About us

Vedas cure an AYURVEDIC-inspired initiative is providing the best treatment package to Vitiligo Treatment. We have come up with a unique herbal formulation for Vitiligo Treatment. Studies have proven that it is best to cure Vitiligo patient as naturally as possible. Vitiligo Derma Care, kanchar guggulu & ppsoralea corylefolia oil so are magical herbs that can do wonders for a vitiligo patient.


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