Types of vitiligo

A Beginner's Guide to Vitiligo and its Types: Let’s dig deeper

Let us start by knowing what vitiligo is!

In layman’s language, vitiligo is a skin disease. It is caused when the pigment-producing cells die or stop functioning properly in the body. The disease appears in the form of white spots or blotches in the skin and often confused as piebaldism also. The difference between the two is that the former is a disease while the latter is natural.

The disease occurs with the same intensity in all skin types, however, it is easily recognized on darker skin tones. Vitiligo stays with us lifelong.

People may come, and people may go but vitiligo will stay with you forever!

We should not be scared about the disease as it is not contagious. It does not spread with contact or touch. The disease is found in 1% of the world’s population with 25-30% of child patients. However, it can result in changes to your appearance.

We cannot stop vitiligo as there is no cure for the disease. But we can prevent it. Vitiligo prevention is possible and must be done with the help of a few changes.

This is not it. Vitiligo has its type too. We will get to know about the difference between the types of vitiligo and get to know the symptoms and treatments as well.

Types of Vitiligo

  • Focal Vitiligo
  • Generalized Vitiligo
  • Segmental Vitiligo

Now we will know the details about each type.

  1. Focal Vitiligo

Focal vitiligo is a type of vitiligo that is an undermined type of disease. Focal vitiligo can be characterized by small depigmented areas without any segments in between. In easy words, focal vitiligo occurs in the form of small patches as a whole. Like a completely irregular shape. Focal vitiligo occurs in a few spots in the same area.

What causes focal vitiligo?

The origin of focal vitiligo is unknown. It belongs to the undermined type of vitiligo disease and may occur because of immunodeficiency or a virus. No exact reason is to be found.

Is there any treatment for focal vitiligo?

There is no cure for focal vitiligo disease, it is a lifelong disease. However, treatments like exposure to UVA or UVB rays. In serious cases, depigmentation of the skin can also be done.

  1. Generalized Vitiligo

Generalized Vitiligo is the most common type of vitiligo. It tends to appear all across the body and tends to be symmetrical. That is, this type of vitiligo appears on the left and right side of the body like a mirror image.

What causes generalized vitiligo?

It is the most common type of vitiligo, which is caused because of the lack of melanin in the skin. Melanin is a skin pigment, responsible for giving the skin its pigment or color. The lack of melanin in the affected areas appears as white spots or blotches as a result of depigmentation. There is no specific reason as to why this disease occurs. It might be because of immunodeficiency or some virus, which leads to the lack of pigment-producing cells.

Treatment for generalized vitiligo

Vitiligo is a lifelong disease and has no cure. There is no specific treatment for the disease, however, phototherapy can help us to prevent the disease. Moreover, home remedies and diet plans can help us in controlling the disease before it becomes severe. The antioxidants, vitamins, and fibers present in certain fruits, vegetables and nuts help in producing skin pigment. However, some food items have to be avoided as well.

For guided assistance, we have the perfect treatment. Vedas Cure Vitiligo Treatment provides you with complete assistance through the process with proven results assurance.

  1. Segmental Vitiligo

Segmental Vitiligo is an uncommon form of vitiligo. It is mostly asymmetrical and unilateral in shape and never crosses the other half of the body. In this disease, the depigmentation spreads quickly all across the affected area and then stops growing on its own.

What causes segmental vitiligo?

This uncommon type of vitiligo is said to be caused by the chemicals released from the nerve endings in our skin. The chemicals which are released are poisonous to melanocytes, the skin pigment. Thus, resulting in depigmentation.

How to treat segmental vitiligo?

As we know, vitiligo cannot be cured. It is a lifelong disease that can either be prevented or controlled. However, in the case of segmental vitiligo, treatments like topical corticosteroids or light therapy may help us. 


Vitiligo is a disease, not so common but not so easy to handle as well. Maintenance of a proper diet plan, precautions and safety measures helps a great deal in controlling the disease. As we all know, there is no cure for it. However, knowing about the uncommon types of vitiligo might scare us but it isn’t scary.

We at Vedas Cure Vitiligo Treatment help our patients with complete guidance throughout the process. We use clinically demonstrated techniques with high success rates. The 100% use of herbal products makes the treatment organic and natural, leading to a reduced number of side effects, allergies or infections.



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About us

Vedas cure an AYURVEDIC-inspired initiative is providing the best treatment package to Vitiligo Treatment. We have come up with a unique herbal formulation for Vitiligo Treatment. Studies have proven that it is best to cure Vitiligo patient as naturally as possible. Vitiligo Derma Care, kanchar guggulu & ppsoralea corylefolia oil so are magical herbs that can do wonders for a vitiligo patient.


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