Pityriasis alba v/s vitiligo

Pityriasis alba vs. Vitiligo: Know the key difference here

The rate at which people are getting infected by skin diseases is increasing day by day. The changing environment has started creating ruptures in our lives. Though they are somehow manageable or controllable now, we don’t know what the future holds!

Are you tense or scared? What are you scared for? Your skin, your future or your environment!

Well, we don’t know what the future holds but let us know what’s going on at present.

We are hearing so much about skin diseases nowadays, that it is vital to have some information for our benefit. Knowledge is the most harmless weapon that we all should carry.

Today we will have a face-off between two not-so-similar skin diseases – pityriasis alba v/s vitiligo.

Learning about Vitiligo

Vitiligo is a skin disease that occurs when the pigment-producing cells die or stop functioning properly in the skin. As soon as the cells stop functioning, depigmentation of the skin starts. As a result, we see white spots or blotches appearing on the skin. The disease will stay with us lifelong as it is not completely curable.

It is said that the lack of funds has limited the research conducted on vitiligo. This is why we do not know the origin or the end of it. Vitiligo is believed to be caused due to immunodeficiency, lack of melanin (skin pigment) or a virus.

The disease has infected almost 1% of the world’s population and is painless. Though this information relieves us, exceptions are always there. There are some cases where vitiligo has reached a serious stage where extra caution is required. Early regulation and maintenance of the disease will safeguard us from future problems.

Generally, we resort to home remedies, to treat vitiligo but consulting a doctor is ideal as well. This will make us carry out the treatment with discipline and consistency.

Vedas Cure Vitiligo Treatment is one such platform where you can get complete assistance and guidance to control the disease. Our products are 100% herbal for healthy results.

Learning about Pityriasis Alba

It is believed that pityriasis alba can be associated with eczema, a very common skin disorder that causes itchy and scaly patches or rashes on the skin. Pityriasis alba is a skin disorder that is common among children and young adults. The patients face hypo-pigmentation.

The origin or reason for the occurrence of the disease is unknown. Pityriasis Alba appears in the form of pale red or pale pink patches on the skin which are oval or circular most of the time. These patches are scaly and dry resulting in itchiness as well.

Since it is associated with eczema, assumptions are made that the cause for the disorder is an overactive immune system. Here, the immune system responds quite aggressively to the irritants resulting in inflammation on the skin.

Pityriasis alba appears in about 2 to 5 percent of children, mostly between the age of 6 to 12. Children who are exposed to the sun quite often or take regular hot baths are at risk of getting the disorder. It is not contagious, that is, it does not spread from touch or contact.

Here’s the good news. Pityriasis Alba does not stay with us for life long. The patches go away with time and might leave some discoloration as well. Treatments for pityriasis alba are available and doctors may recommend moisturizing cream or topical steroid cream to treat it.

There is no guarantee that the disorder won’t return after undergoing treatment. It may come again but usually, it goes away during childhood only. We must not expose ourselves to the sun quite often and keep on cleaning and moisturizing the affected areas. Although it will go away, it might leave some pale marks on the skin.

Now, we know about both skin problems. Are they the same?

Not quite sure? Let us know the difference between the two and clear our doubts.

Pityriasis Alba v/s Vitiligo

  1. Pityriasis Alba is curable while vitiligo stays with us for life long.
  2. Treatment for pityriasis alba is not required usually, however, it is required for vitiligo. The treatment helps in controlling vitiligo and preventing further complications.
  3. Pityriasis Alba mostly affects children and young adults but vitiligo has no such restrictions. It can affect people of any age group.
  4. The patches occurring because of pityriasis alba are slightly lighter than the skin tone whereas, in vitiligo, we see white patches.
  5. Vitiligo patches are visible from far, usually when on a darker skin tone, however, pityriasis alba patches are not visible from far.
  6. The patches which are dry, scaly, and rough to touch are because of pityriasis alba, however, vitiligo patches are plain and similar to the skin.
  7. Pityriasis Alba is temporary while vitiligo is permanent.


After the vitiligo v/s pityriasis alba face-off, we understood the difference between each. As we discussed earlier, the environment is changing. The beneficial rays of the sun are now harmful to the skin because of UV rays coming in. So, so the keynote here is, that vitiligo is a serious disorder in comparison to pityriasis alba and must be taken care of.

You can check out Vedas Cure Vitiligo Treatment for obtaining the best results.



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Vedas cure an AYURVEDIC-inspired initiative is providing the best treatment package to Vitiligo Treatment. We have come up with a unique herbal formulation for Vitiligo Treatment. Studies have proven that it is best to cure Vitiligo patient as naturally as possible. Vitiligo Derma Care, kanchar guggulu & ppsoralea corylefolia oil so are magical herbs that can do wonders for a vitiligo patient.


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